Georgetown M.S. in Aging & Health Co-Hosts Inaugural GWU Age-Friendly Social Innovation Challenge

Georgetown M.S. in Aging & Health partnered with the George Washington University’s Center for Aging, Health, and Humanities (CAHH) to host the inaugural 2021 Age-Friendly Social Innovation Challenge on October 27.
The CAHH Age-Friendly Innovation Challenge was sponsored by the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), and it brought together a diverse intergenerational group of older residents, students, and policymakers for a day-long virtual session to design strategies for ways to make communities more age-friendly.
“In the invitation-only morning session, 65 participants met in breakout groups led by 11 volunteer facilitators to discuss scenarios within an age-friendly domain. These domains reflect the World Health Organization and AARP’s domains for Livable Communities including housing; abuse, fraud and neglect; civic engagement and employment; and lifelong learning, among others. Using a design-thinking process, each group was charged to develop an actionable idea that would solve a problem within the domain.”